Monday, January 26, 2009

Good Dr. News!

Dr. Doesn't think at this point it is skin cancer but instead SHINGLES! I am on a med. I have to take 5x a day-he explained but I am still a little confused of the why, how and you nurses out there please explain?? It is only one small spot and it itches at times-it did start out looking like a blister a couple weeks ago. My weird news for the day..
Been a actually pretty crappy day...Taylor moved today to OK, it is to frickin COLD and dreary and I am just feeling BLAH and lonely! Hope it is just for today-I had been doing really well mood wise and keeping busy and motivated.
See what Tuesday brings! For now I am going to go get in my warm jammies, watch tv and snuggle with my baby Beau!

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers! Always appreciated...

Trying to Keep Imagining!


Michelle said...

I had shingles back in 1989. It looked like a raised rash on the back of my neck. It runs along a nerve line and will look like someone drew a line down one side and then the opposite side of the rash will be more sporadic. It actually hurts because it runs along the nerve line. I was told that once you get it you are apt to get it again. No such thing so far. Can't remember what they gave me for it back then. Good luck. I hope it goes away soon.

Also, I read your post about sisterly love. I never had a sister and Shay is an only so we don't know that bond. But we do have good girlfriends that we consider like a sister.

joanne said...

Well I'm glad it isn't cancer but i've heard that shingles are not fun...hope it gets better soon.

Taylor will be o.k. but it will be hard for you...I remember!!

Thanks for your sweet made me cry. I'm just sick over this and still don't know what I want to do. "See" you tomorrow ;)

Laura ~Peach~ said...

thats good news ... shingles suck and many many times are triggered by STRESS... I just dont see how you could get shingles :D
Hang in there I nearly called you last night but it was really late....

Ness said...

My eldest had shingles around her waist and she was in some kind of pain. I can't remember what Kelli was given for meds, either. Glad you dodged the cancer diagnosis. Cuddle up and be good to you.

Alice said...

So I had the shingles two years ago (I blogged about it in February 2007). Mine started out exactly like yours did. I thought my bra had rubbed a place on my chest. Then it turned into a rash. It runs along a nerve, usually only on one side of your body...mine went down my arm. I don't remember it itching...but they can hurt. Mine burned. They gave me steroids (probably what you are taking) and Valtrex --which is for HERPES!!! But shingles (which is a re-emergence of the chicken pox) is a form of herpes. Anyway, you are very contagious to someone who has never had chicken keep that in mind. The elderly and pregnant women shouldn't be around you. You are usually not contagious after 72 hours. And Laura is right. Stress is usually what causes a flair-up. Take care of yourself, take your meds!! Sending love from Georgia.

The Muse said...

Oh keeping prayers headed your way :)

Unknown said...

prayers, prayers and more prayers!


Gina said...

Sorry to hear you are down with health issues again. We are still in Colorado training with Allen's new service dog Frankie. She is amazing. We don't have a great signal here on our phones. will talk to you when we get back. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Glenda, saved by grace said...

I get shingles occationally, in fact I have them NOW...I hate this. Ive found that I need to figure out what I'm stressin about and try to calm down. When I do the shingles go away.I have a pricey cream that my dr gave me, but I'm not sure it works...
Nice blog, I decided to follow, come follow me!
♥ Glenda

Amy said...

As always thanks for stopping by and saying hi. I've herad awful things about shingles...I hope your feeling okay. The past year has been pretty rough for so many people and health issues. Well that and a couple broken hearts.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
love ya

in time out said...

oh my. I am sorry to hear. What a trouble. My daughter had shingles and they are SOOOO painful. And can be very dangerous. I will be praying for you. Get well soon. Sounds trite, but having seen it I really mean it. and tender ones...♥

in time out said...

Thanks for writing. I have a valentine for you on my site, just right click, copy and it is yours. Thanks for reading, and for supporting me in my ups and downs. ---stacie

Happy Valentines Bloggie Friend ♥